Appendix A2 - U. S. Glass Patents

Images of the Patented Shapes

Data for patented shapes are summarized in this file. Please note that all of the patents' images can be found in a group that follows the patented patterns that are seen when the Appendix A folder is opened. They can also be viewed by using the links provided.

Patent No. / Patentee / Application Filed / Patent Granted / Shape

4,217 / Chretian Dorflinger / n. a. / 12 Jul 1870 / "lamp shades"

4,752 / John Hoare / n. a. / 4 Apr 1871 / "caster bottles"

8,187 / John Hoare / 25 Jan 1875 / 2 Mar 1875 / "bouquet-holder or vase"

9,646 / Christian Dorflinger / 30 Sep 1876 / 21 Nov 1876 / "glass bottles"

11,217 / John Hoare / 21 Mar 1879 / 3 Jun 1879 / "bottles"

12,651 / John Hoare / 3 Dec 1881 / 3 Jan 1882 / "caster-bottles"

13,160 / Frederick S. Shirley / 6 Jul 1882 / 8 Aug 1882 / "dish"; called "Pairpoint nappy" in c1885 Mt. Washington catalog, Plate 6, Nos. 25 and 28

13,300 / George E. Hatch / 16 Aug 1882 / 19 Sep 1882 / "fruit bowl" (cut in Star & Hobnail pattern)

13,301 / George E. Hatch / 16 Aug 1882 / 19 Sep 1882 / "flower-vase" (cut in Star & Hobnail pattern)

15,619 / William H. Lum / 6 Oct 1884 / 16 Dec 1884 / "caster-bottle"

16,172 / Frederick S. Shirley / 14 May 1885 / 14 Jul 1885 / "dish"; called "Martin bowl" in c1885 Mt. Washington Catalog, Plate 3, No. 13

33,987 / James D. Bergen / 29 Jan 1901 / 29 Dec 1990 / carafe

40,807 / Sigmund Herbert / 2 Jun 1910 / 2 Aug 1910 / "bowl"

41,205 / Delos J. Branning / 16 Dec 1910 / 28 Feb 1911 / "fan-scalloped dish"

43,720 / Max Herbert / 8 Jan 1913 / 18 Mar 1913 / "dish" in the shape of a cart

46,500 / Townsend deM. Hawkes / 16 Jul 1914 / 6 Oct 1914 / salad-dressing bottle

48,765 / Henry P. Sinclaire / 27 Jan 1916 / 21 Mar 1916 / salad-dressing bottle

54,705 / John J. Vallerly / 10 May 1915 / 9 Mar 1920 / vase (image not available)

54,926 / Thomas G. Jones / 18 Nov 1919 / 20 Apr 1920 / vase (image not available)

Updated 1 May 2007