Appendix A3 - U. S. Glass Patents

Utility Patents

To access the following patents it is necessary to use the USPTO Web site: Choose "Patent Number Search" and enter the patent number preceded by a zero, for a total of seven characters. There is no letter-prefix. The USPTO Web site requires that a plug-in be installed on your computer in order to view the complete patents. Instructions are provided.

Patent No. / Patentee / Application Filed / Patent Granted / Title

226,054 / Dan Forbes / 2 Feb 1880 / 30 Mar 1880 / "Brush-wheel for Polishing Glass"

230,137 / George F. Lapham / 22 Mar 1880 / 20 Jul 1880 / "Art of Polishing Glass"

231,549 / Frank G. Farnham / 20 Mar 1880 / 24 Aug 1880 / "Lamp" (one-half of patent assigned to Louis J. Dorflinger)

283,273 / John S. O'Connor / 23 Jun 1883 / 14 Aug 1883 / "Apparatus for Supplying Abrading and Polishing Material to Cutting and Polishing Tools" (one-half of patent assigned to Louis J. Dorflinger)

296,691 / John Hoare / 5 Dec 1883 / 8 Apr 1884 / "Manufacture of Glass Baskets"

372,313 / Robert Haines / 10 Sep 1886 / 1 Nov 1887 "Incandescent-Electric-Light Bulb" (one-half of patent assigned to Thomas G. Hawkes)

345,264 / Godfried A. Julius Tietz / 9 Mar 1886 / 6 Jul 1886 / "Manufacture of Decorated Hollow Glassware" - Interior-cased glassware

386,417 / Richard Thirsk / 12 Feb 1887 / 17 Jul 1888 / "Feed Apparatus for Glass Polishing Machines" (patent assigned to Louis J. Dorflinger)

412,089 / Thomas G. Hawkes / 21 Aug 1886 / 1 Oct 1889 / "Globe and Reflector for Incandescent Lamps"

588,211 / George L. Abbott / 27 Jan 1897 / 17 Aug 1897 / "Bottle-Stopper Lock" (one-half of patent assigned to Charles F. Houghton)

Updated 1 May 2007